2022 YFC Doubles
Disc Golf Tournament
2022 Ice Cream Social
This annual event raises funds for our programs in Macomb!
2022 Golf Outing
We had a good turn out and a fun time!
Thank you to our event sponsors: Professional EyeCare Center & Collection Professionals Inc.
2022 Spaghetti Supper
This annual event raises funds for our programs in Bushnell!
2021 Annual Fundraising Banquet
2021 Macomb YFC Open
B-Tier Disc Golf Tournament
Another good year! A big thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed this event with us!
2021 Ice Cream Social
This was our first ice cream social! It went really well, and we look forward to continuing this tradition for years to come!
2021 Golf Outing
thank you to our title sponsors!
This event was made possible by Collection Professionals, Inc. and Professional EyeCare Center.
2021 Drive-Thru Spaghetti Supper
are you ready for SPAGHETTI?
In Bushnell, we traditionally held a Souper Douper Soup Supper for several years. But due to the pandemic, we changed things up!
In 2021, we held a drive-thru event. We served spaghetti in to-go containers, formed a drive-thru at the CCC, and sent home a link to a video program with every meal!
2020 Virtual Banquet!
You are welcome to experience our 2020 Virtual Banquet by watching the video below.
2020 Macomb YFC Open
B-Tier Disc Golf Tournament
Another successful year! We had over 60 competitors attend the event!