Become a Banquet Sponsor now!

We would love to have your support!

Sponsorships appreciated by Friday, November 8, 2024.


sponsor options:

Banquet Sponsor ($400) – Includes 2 banquet tickets, a banquet brochure mention, and a boosted social media mention.

Silent Auction – You, your group, or your business can donate a basket (or similar item) for the silent auction at the Banquet! (You can bring your basket[s] to the event center, or we can get it from you ahead of time – whatever works best for you!)

Other You are welcome to make another type of donation! (We love in-kind donations!)

sponsorships appreciated BY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2024.

Help spread the word!

Invite your friends!

Share this page, or print out the flyer and share it around!

any questions or concerns?

Contact our office at (309) 833-3026 or,

or contact Todd Rodeffer directly at (309) 333-6186 or